Plan Your Visit


What to expect when visiting

Service Times and Location

Our Parish is located at 346 Termino Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90814

  • Holy Eucharist (spoken)

  • Discipleship Hour

  • The Holy Eucharist (with music)


Street parking is available along Termino Ave. and Colorado St. Our parish is ADA accessible from the street, to the sidewalk, and into the sanctuary with an easy to access ADA ramp on the Colorado side of our parish.

Entering the Building

Approaching the parish from Termino Ave., guests can proceed through the front red doors to enter our sanctuary. From the Colorado St. side of the building, guests may enter the sanctuary through the door to St. Mary’s Chapel.

  • We are always honored by the opportunity to minister to families during our 10:30am Sunday Services.

    Children in Kindergarten and under are invited to join our Early Childhood Ministry. Drop off for the 10:30am service begins at 9:45am. We ask that parents pick up their children during the "Passing of the Peace".

    Children in Grades 1 to 6 who wish to participate in the Children's Homily will be dismissed from the Sanctuary during the 10:30am service. Adult Family Ministry leaders will walk children to the Children's Homily classroom located upstairs and return them to the Sanctuary during the "Passing of the Peace".

  • You are absolutely invited to bring your children (of all ages) into the service. In fact, we have built all of our 10:30am Children's Ministry around the belief that children need to worship alongside their families in a multi-generational context; especially during the Ministry of Holy Communion.

Other Services

All Saints Anglican Cathedral celebrates various services and feast days through the week. For a full schedule and description of our daily worshiping rhythms, visit our midweek worship page.


About our Worship