We invite you to worship with us
Join us this Sunday
8:00 am - in person
10:30 am - in person and online
346 Termino Ave., Long Beach, CA 90814
On behalf of All Saints Anglican Cathedral, Long Beach, I welcome you. You are invited to join us for worship. It would be a privilege to meet you! Our purpose is, “Reaching Long Beach and beyond with the transforming love of Jesus Christ.” Our mission is, “Building a church community that glorifies God, follows Jesus, and is empowered by the Holy Spirit for mission to reconcile a broken world to God where we live, work, and play.” We drink deep from one river that has three streams: Scripture (our authoritative guide in faith), Sacraments (our ancient practices and rhythms in faith), and Spirit (our peace and power in faith). May you experience God’s “Never Stopping, Never Giving up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.”
Fr. Scott

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