Free Ministry Resources!

I’m excited to share that our church now has unlimited access to RightNow Media - the world’s largest streaming library of video Bible study resources. This extensive library has more than 20,000 videos taught by leaders like Ed Stetzer, NT Wright, John Mark Comer, Francis Chan, Timothy Keller, Max Lucado, Louie Giglio, Pete Greig, Matt Chandler, David Platt, Jennie Allen, J.D. Greear, Dr. Tony Evans, and many more. These Bible study videos can be used as part of a group or personal study, and many series include free discussion guides and handouts.

I believe that RightNow Media is a tool that can help assist you in growing in and living out your faith in every area of your life where you school, work, live, and play. There are materials for Christian Living, Men, Women, Youth, Children, Devotions, Training, Books of the Bible, Marriage, Parenting, Apologetics, Mental Health, Recovery, Missions and Gospel Outreach, Singles, Race and Reconciliation, Biblical Finance, History, Science, Work, Worship, Leadership, and more. There’s even a library just for kids with over 2,000 safe, entertaining videos. RightNow Media has a free app that’s available on all major streaming devices so you and your family can access content anywhere, anytime.

HOw do I register?

  1. You might have been sent a registration link from RightNow Media.

  2. Or, click the Registration link below to be routed to the registration page for our church account.

  3. Or, you can text the code ALLSAINTSLB to 49775 and you will receive a text back, welcoming you to RightNow Media and providing you with the invite link to register.

  4. Or, we will also have QR code’s in our worship service booklet, on tables in the Parish Hall, and other information. All you need to do is hover your phone’s camera over the code and it will prompt you to open a mobile browser. Once that prompt is selected, our church’s registration page will appear allowing you to sign up.

We pray that RightNow Media will be a blessing to you and your family!

Growing together for his glory and purposes,

Fr. Scott, Rector and Dean